it will show 0 traits even if you have more than that. Keep in mind if you have all 8 slots in your bonecharms inventory filled, the game won't let you create any more. This trainer is based on Steam game version, some options are compatible with Windows Store game version, but some options are not compatible. The savegame is with two "real" bone charms and in order to replicate the issue either one needs to be sacrificed to retrieve its trait, and then a bone charm needs to be crafted at least twice with the trainer activated (Unlimited Traits etc.).īone charm and some other things have been fixed. I have provided a savefile for the Cheathappens developers should this prompt an investigation. The game just doesn't seem to create a proper bone charm with traits as it should. It could either be a problem with the game or the trainer, though it does seem as if the trainer allows crafting of some sort. It will say you have no bone charms at all to equip. It will not appear under the Crafted bone charm(s), and if you have no bone charms at all then you cannot even navigate to that menu either. This results in a bone charm designated "Unnamed" and it will just vanish. you cannot craft another bone charm using the same trait. However, once you have crafted a bone charm with said retrieved trait "one time" with either 2, 3 or 4 traits. It works the first time when you have sacrificed the bone charm of your choosing to retrieve its trait. I can also confirm that there is a problem when crafting using the trainer. There is a second category for crafted charms when your equipping them at the top It's as if the game let you craft but doesn't give you anything after you craft the bonecharm. However, the bonecharms that is crafted doesn't appear and thus cannot be equipped.

Unlimited Whalebone does make the whalebones unlimited, and let you craft bonecharms.