Peter Addyman, founder, Jorvik Viking Centre, York, president, York Civic Trust (2015-19), 84 Prof Simon Blackburn, philosopher, writer, Mirror, Mirror (2014), and broadcaster, 79 Irina Bokova, director-general, Unesco (2009-17), 71 Ben Burtt, film-maker, best effects and sound-effects editing Oscars for E.T. Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon were nominated in the best actress in a leading role category, with an Oscar awarded to Callie Khouri for her screenplay.

On Aughe wrote to Fanny, his wife, that: “It was cut down, but is as far recovered as to be able to distinguish light from darkness, but as to all the purpose of its use it is gone” in 1843, Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church, wrote that God had conveyed to him the permissibility of polygamy in 1957 the US surgeon-general Leroy E Burney revealed the Public Health Service’s findings of a direct causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer in 1991 Thelma & Louise was released in cinemas in the UK.

In The Indian Nectar, or a Discourse Concerning Chocolata (1662) he debated the benefits of chocolate in treating piles, venereal diseases and melancholy in 1794, during the siege of Calvi in Corsica, Horatio (later Admiral Lord) Nelson was struck by splinters from stones, severely impairing the vision in his right eye. In 1676 Henry Stubbe, an English royal physician noted for his strong political and religious views, drowned in Bristol.