Those literally useless Doom Robe/Stocking materials that can be used for absolutely nothing else except to sell for like 8-12k each helped me craft full B Grade gear for all 9 of my characters in my party and to buy a full set of A Grade for my tank including the a weapon.īy taking away this option, you are just making it so that RMT prices will go up as there will be overall less Adena generation, yes, but you aren't going to stop people from RMT'ing unless you ALSO make the options that people RMT for available in the NC Store.which still leaves those who aren't whales out of your equation which.I'm sorry to tell you.is still a surprisingly large amount of your community.

Will these patterns and all of the other recipes (that don't have materials that drop for them anymore) or materials (that don't have recipes drop for them anymore) be removed from the game entirely so that they don't just literally take up extra space?

GM's I have a full party that auto-hunts and I make about 400-500k adena per day just selling materials that the recipe doesn't exist for, anymore, like Doom Tunic/Stocking patterns because they are impossible to craft because the recipe was removed from the game entirely. The same way with the D C B items,give them to a crafter to crystalize for crystals then use/sell crystals or make ss/bss the old days. Just drop them to Clan Warehouse and find a Crafter to gear up all Clan. People that never played Dwarf will never understand and will never gear up easy. I make money crafting and selling to noobs that sell the recipes and mats to NPC and then buy the same items from others.

Maybe actually read the damned conversation before just jumping in and completely embarrassing yourself by attempting to White Knight for NC, next time, eh?

Please deign us worthy to tell us what do YOU do with all of your materials and recipes, your majesty?ĭo you craft every single one of them? How can you do that when half of the recipes don't exist or the materials for some recipes don't drop/spoil at all, anymore?ĭo you just throw them out? Well then we can only assume that you are admitting to RMT'ing, in this instance, because that's literally just throwing away potentially millions of adena.ĭo you sell them to other players? Well.circle back to the very first question, then.no one would buy a recipe/material that is literally useless except to sell to the NPC. Oh.well then.apparently we have the god of Lineage 2 walking amongst us.