He also has two more customizable outfit sets which must be unlocked either via Scenario Campaign or purchased with in-game fight money: King has a variety of other customizations in the form of wrestling masks, gloves, and capes. He wears a black t-shirt with a flaming "TAPOUT" logo along with black finger-less gloves and arm bands. King's tights, boots, and arm guards are black with red linings and there are red paw prints on the soles of his boots.

King's Player 2 outfit in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

King wears this outfit in his, Armor King's, and Craig Marduk's interconnected endings in Tekken 6, as well as in one of his Tekken 5 prologue arts.In Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, the color of his clerical robe is changed to dark blue and his trousers and gloves are white.King wears matching black trousers, shoes and fingerless gloves, each also with gold trim. The robe is hooded like a habit and also has a fine gold trim. King wears black hooded clerical robes, with a thick white trim designed to look like a priest's stole. In Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, the color scheme of his Player 1 outfit is changed to black, with black wrestling tights and boots, though he retains his yellow armbands.The word "MEXICO" is imprinted on the back of his boots and there are sky blue paw marks on their soles. He retains his yellow knee-high wrestling boots, which now have cyan linings. He also gains yellow bands on his arms and a purple/blue/yellow pad wrapped around his left bicep. His tights have new emblems which are colored dark blue. His blue trunks now have a gold outline on the waist and they retain the imprinted words from Tekken 4. King wears an updated version of his Player 1 outfit from Tekken 3. King is also seen wearing black shorts, white socks, black sneakers and no mask when he's being trained by Armor King in the opening, although (again) his face is not shown.

The kanji on the back of King's shirt reads " Mishima Industries" (in black) and "Evil" (in red). King wears a blue-gray t-shirt, bluish-black sweat pants with gray jaguar designs on the waist and sides, white and black sneakers, white and black wristbands and Armor King's black jaguar mask featuring a scarred red left eye. He wears a white cape with this outfit in the home console opening.He wears blue fingerless gloves, matching blue arm/wristbands, golden knee-high wrestling boots and a jaguar tail that hangs from the back of his trunks. Like his predecessor, King II is shirtless and wears blue wrestling trunks and purple wrestling tights with a yellow design on each leg.